Can you remember the last time your plumbing system was inspected and maintained by a plumbing professional? If the answer is no, your system could be at risk. At Life Line Plumbing, our team is committed to helping your home run smoothly and keeping your family comfortable.

With over a decade of plumbing experience, we can tell you that a lack of proper maintenance most often results in extremely costly repairs and replacements and a whole lot of stress. In fact, the majority of plumbing emergencies we encounter are almost entirely preventable. Pipe leaks, clogged drains, water pressure problems, a lack of hot water, burst pipes, and other common plumbing problems can cost a lot of money to repair. Luckily, plumbing maintenance can ensure you don’t experience these problems! Continue reading to discover some of our most helpful plumbing maintenance tips.

Plumbing Maintenance Tips

Routine inspections and proper maintenance keep your plumbing hardware in good shape.

Some of the most important maintenance tasks include:

  • Regular sewer line inspections: Problems with your sewer line can be extremely costly. By having your line inspected at least once a year, your plumber can detect any problem areas (such as blockages or leaks) before they lead to serious damage.
  • Drain cleaning: Because we rely heavily on our drains each day, they experience their fair share of buildup. Soap scum, hair, oil, toilet paper, tissues, feminine hygiene products, and more can all get caught inside of your drain, which creates clogs, blockages, and restrictions in your sewer line. Drain cleaning blasts these clogs and blockages away to help your pipes flow freely and prevent pipes leaks and burst.
  • Leak repairs: Small pipe leaks aren’t a big deal when they are taken care of right away. Bringing in a professional before minor leaks worsen and lead to extensive water damage and burst pipes can save you thousands.
  • Fixture upgrades: If your water bills are through the roof, your outdated fixtures could be responsible. Upgrade your toilets, faucets, and showerheads to reduce your water consumption and save money on your monthly bills.
  • Water heater flushes: Due to extensive use, water heater tanks often experience a buildup of sediment that can lead to a lack of hot water, no hot water, water pressure issues, and more. Having your tank flushed by a professional at least once a year can prevent these issues and save you tons of money on repairs.

Schedule Service Today!

Preventative plumbing maintenance is the key to a safe, efficient, and effective plumbing system. Life Line Plumbing is here to ensure your system functions properly and your home runs smoothly. We understand how important it is to have a plumber that you can trust to always work with your best interests in mind, which is why we always go the extra mile to deliver the premium-quality service you need and deserve.

Life Line Plumbing can handle your every plumbing maintenance need, including drain cleaningsewer line inspectionswater heater repairs, toilet installations, fixture inspections and upgradesleak detection and repair, and more. And, for those times when plumbing emergencies pop up, we offer 24/7 emergency plumbing services. You can always count on our team to be there for you when you need us most.

Call 281-809-0049 or contact us online to schedule plumbing maintenance today. We look forward to serving you.